All students in Mr. M. Lehman's classes will access daily discussions and assignments using their class EDMODO page. Please also check emails daily in case I need to communicate with you using email. Please contact the school if you don't have access to the internet and email, so I can get you class materials through pick up or sending in the mail.
Youth Apprenticeship students please check your emails every few days for updates about your YA checklist and requirered hours. 1 Year and 2 Year YA's finishing this spring, I will be starting finialization paperwork with you and your supervisor begining the week of April 6th if you have met your required hours.
Work Experience students please check your emails for updates about your work placement. If you are no longer working because of the virus, pleaes contact me.
Mr. Marshall Lehman
I am one of two Technology Education Instructors here at Stratford. I also coach football and baseball and I am an advisor for the Tiger Technology Club. I am married to my beautiful wife Brook and have two wonderful girls Pasilee and Saige.
Contact Information:
School Phone: 715-687-4311 ext. 2172
My Classes - click on class name for syllabus
Metals 2 - Dual Credit Intro to Welding
Basic Auto Maintenance and Repair
Sports and Clubs
Tiger Technolgy Club