• All students in Mr. M. Lehman's classes will access daily discussions and assignments using their class EDMODO page.  Please also check emails daily in case I need to communicate with you using email.  Please contact the school if you don't have access to the internet and email, so I can get you class materials through pick up or sending in the mail.

    • Youth Apprenticeship students please check your emails every few days for updates about your YA checklist and requirered hours.  1 Year and 2 Year YA's finishing this spring, I will be starting finialization paperwork with you and your supervisor begining the week of April 6th if you have met your required hours.

    • Work Experience students please check your emails for updates about your work placement.  If you are no longer working because of the virus, pleaes contact me.

Bus Race 2018
  • Mr. Marshall Lehman

    I am one of two Technology Education Instructors here at Stratford.  I also coach football and baseball and I am an advisor for the Tiger Technology Club.  I am married to my beautiful wife Brook and have two wonderful girls Pasilee and Saige.


    Contact Information:

    School Phone: 715-687-4311 ext. 2172

    Email: malehman@gapps.stratford.k12.wi.us