COVID-19 Information: For all students in Mrs. Pankratz's PE and Health Classes, please log in to our Google Classroom for instructions for our online learning journey. Reminder, please reach out via email with any questions you may have or if you need help with anything moving forward. If I don't have the answer, I will try and direct you to someone who can help. We are all in this together. Take care and I hope to see you soon.
~Mrs. Pankratz
Mrs. Pankratz
715-687-4311 ext. 2184
6th-12th Physical Education
8th & 10th Health Education
Varsity Softball Coach
Tiger PRIDE Leadership Team
Hello Stratford Middle/High School Students & Families,
Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year!!
My name is Mandy Pankratz and this is my 11th year teaching at Stratford and my 15th year of teaching overall. I graduated from Stratford High School in 1997 and UW-LaCrosse in 2002. I am so happy that I was able to come back to my hometown to teach and raise my family. There is no place that I would rather be!
My current teaching duties include 6th-12th Grade Physical Education, 8th Grade Health, & Sophomore Health. I also coach Varsity Softball and will be entering my 18th year in the Spring of 2020! Time flies when you are having fun!
I am also involved with our Tiger PRIDE Leadership Committee at the middle/high school. The purpose of this group is to build a positive school community by fostering student PRIDE (Personal Responsibility, Respect, Integrity, Dedication, & Excellence).
Let's have a great school year! Take care.
Stratford Softball Web-page
Please click on this link to go to the Stratford Softball Web-page. Information for Spring and Summer Softball can be located here.
Health Fair Pictures

Tiger PRIDE Celebration Pictures